Archana Trauma & Orthopaedics Hospital & Research Centre


Our In-House Physiotherapy Clinic is one of the largest clinics in Upper Assam equipped with ultra modern Equipments and has physiotherapist available throughout the day.

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care.

What problems does physiotherapy treat?

Physiotherapy focuses on both prevention and rehabilitation. Treatment can be for problems caused by injury, disease or disability. Here are some examples

  • Neck and back pain caused by problems in the muscles and skeleton
  • Problems in the bones, joints, muscles and ligaments, such as arthritis and the after-effects of amputation
  • Lung problems such as asthma
  • Disability as a result of heart problems
  • Pelvic issues, such as bladder and bowel problems related to childbirth
  • Loss of mobility because of trauma to the brain or spine, or due to diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis
  • Fatigue, pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of muscle strength, for example during cancer treatment, or palliative care

When should you go for physiotherapy?

Think about getting physiotherapy if you have an injury, or chronic pain that affects how you function every day. A doctor may refer you to physiotherapy after surgery such as a hip replacement, acute and chronic pain or an event such as a heart attack or stroke.

What can you expect at physiotherapy clinic of our hospital?

Your session will be unique, because it is all about you and your particular needs. In general, here’s what happens

  • The physiotherapist learns about your medical history
  • The physiotherapist assesses and diagnoses your condition
  • You receive a treatment plan that sets goals for you
  • You are prescribed a course of exercises and any assistive devices needed